It's time for our fifth round!
In the right corner we have Kaden
Crowley wearing his trademark fox mask and holding a mean looking
knife. While in the left corner we have Kai Ling who seems to be
unarmed. I'm not sure that's a good idea on his part. Then again
teenagers aren't known for their good life decisions.
Now let's spin the wheel to find out
where these two will be fighting.
noises *
*ding * The underground parking lot!
On your marks, set, GO!
Kaden immediately runs behind a car.
Kai starts running towards him.
Wait, is that? Yes it is, Kai has found
a rifle just laying there on the ground. How lucky. He picks it up
and checks if it's loaded. It appears it indeed is. Satisfied Kai
nods and readies his new weapon.
Kaden jumps out from behind a car and
tries to attack Kai from behind. The echo of his footsteps betrays
his presence and Kai swings around, he opens fire.
He misses.
He shoots a second time and misses again?
Wait no that was a direct hit but Kaden
isn't being affected by the bullets? Is this Kaden just an illusion
Kai is confused and just keeps firing
his rifle until he runs out of bullets.
Then Kaden is upon him and the gun
“illusions,” Kaden whispers as he
lunges his knife towards Kai.
Kai's eyes widen in shock he tries to
step back to avoid the attack. He isn't fast enough, the knife
plunges into his shoulder! He cries out.
Kaden pulls the knife back out. Before
he can try to stab again Kai's foot is on his chest.
Kaden falls to the ground with a loud
thud. The knife slips from his grasp and goes flying across the
Kai sprints towards the knife.
Kaden gets back on his feet, turns and
runs away again.
Kai grabs the knife and chases after
They zigzag through the cars and
pillars. Kai is slowly gaining on Kaden.
Kaden slides behind a large van. When
Kai catches up there are suddenly two Kadens waiting for him.
The Kadens suddenly sprint in opposite
directions. One of them heads toward the exit, the other toward the
elevator. Kai hesitates.
Then he makes a choice and heads
towards the elevator.
The Kaden there presses the elevator
button and the door opens. He sees Kai running towards him and
quickly steps into the elevator. He rapidly keeps pressing the button
for the door to close.
The door starts to close but Kai is
faster. The door closes behind him.
Uh.. do we have any cameras in there?
We don't.
Well that's a problem.
We don't.
Well that's a problem.
Wait, the doors are opening again.
Kai steps out, the knife is covered in
blood. Kaden lies in a pool of blood inside the elevator.
The other Kaden fades away.
Kai drops the knife, his hands are shaking.
The elevator behind him closes again.
It starts going down. There's not supposed to be a down, huh.
Either way, our winner is Kai Ling!
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