Friday, February 28, 2020

Round 4: Shan Cassidy vs. Kareena Nejem

Acelegin; Hello, everybody! I'm Acelegin, and I'm joined tonight by Red Daniel, who apparently has the day off from work, and had nothing better to do than tag along and annoy the hell out of me.

Red Daniel; That's right, baby! I'm also a part of whatever this is! Speaking of which, the fuck is going on?

Acelegin; We're here to provide commentary on a fight between two Mythos characters.

Red Daniel; I see. And who exactly arranged this event?

Acelegin; No idea. Someone powerful who likes tournaments, I guess.

Red Daniel; Huh. Not ringing any bells. So, who's murdering each other today?

Acelegin; I'm getting to that. Our first contestant is... Shan Cassidy!

A spotlight comes on, casting light on Shan, who's gripping her metal bat tightly, prepared for whatever was about to happen.

Red Daniel; Oo, she's a cutie.

Acelegin; And her opponent is... Kareena Nejem!

A second spotlight comes on, revealing Kareena, armed with a handgun.

Red Daniel; Ah, yeah! Cat fight!

Acelegin produces a spray bottle filled with water and spritzes Red Daniel with it.

Red Daniel; Ack! What the hell?

Acelegin; No. Down boy.

Red Daniel; I'm not an animal!

Acelegin; Coulda fooled me. Anyway, on to the randomized arena.

Acelegin spins a roulette wheel, that slowly comes to a halt.

Acelegin; And our arena is... a suburban strip mall that was recently hit by a 7.5 earthquake!

Red Daniel; That's... weirdly specific...

The girls are transported to a devastated shopping area in a suburban town.

Acelegin; All right! Now that we have our fighters and our battleground, it's time to begin the-

Red Daniel; Wait! Don't start the fight yet!

Acelegin; What? Why?

The camera zooms in dramatically on Red Daniel's face.

Red Daniel; I need to use the bathroom!

Acelegin, Shan, and Kareena all stare at Red Daniel in disbelief.

Acelegin; Are you fucking kidding me?

Red Daniel; I had a lot of soda earlier.

Acelegin pinches his brow.

Acelegin; Ugh, fine. But make it quick.

Acelegin turns to address Shan and Kareena.

Acelegin; And you two! Just chill out until he gets back. Don't start fighting until I give the OK.

Red Daniel; Okay! I'll be back in a jiffy!

45 minutes later.

Acelegin is on his laptop, while Shan sits reading a magazine, and Kareena raids an abandoned gas station, looking for salvageable snacks. Red Daniel bursts into the announcer's booth.

Red Daniel; I have returned, peasants!

Acelegin quickly shuts his laptop.

Acelegin; Jesus, Red! What the fuck took you so long!?

Red Daniel stares at Acelegin's laptop for a moment.

Red Daniel; You were looking at Alice Angel fanart, weren't you?

Acelegin; Wh- I- NO! Shut up! Don't change the subject! What took you so long!?

Red Daniel; Sorry. There was... um... a line...

Acelegin glares skeptically at Red Daniel.

Acelegin; Riiiiight. Sure there was.

Acelegin rises and addresses Shan and Kareena.

Acelegin; All right, girls! Do I have your attention!?

Shan and Kareena stand up and turn their attention to the announcer's booth.

Acelegin; Red's finally back. Thank you both for being so patient, but it's finally time for the main event to take place. Take your positions!

Shan and Kareena stand across from each other, readying their weapons.

Acelegin; Let the fight... BEGIN!

Shan and Kareena begin charging at each other.

Acelegin; Okay, the fight is on, and Shan has somehow deflected one of Kareena's bullets with her bat.

Red Daniel; You'd think the girl with the gun would have the advantage.

Acelegin; Apparently not. Shan has now gotten up close and knocked the gun from Kareena's hand.

Red Daniel; Yep. Kareena is now unarmed, but doesn't seem to be ready to give up. She's dodging Shan's bat swings and trying to get some hits in of her own.

Acelegin; And she's successful! Kareena has managed to land a hook punch to Shan's jaw. But it wasn't enough to bring her down.

Red Daniel; Shan has managed to knock Kareena's legs out from under her, and Kareena falls to the ground and... she's gone. Where the fuck did she go?

Acelegin; She seems to have melted into the shadows. She's reappeared a distance away, and seems to be catching her breath.

Red Daniel; Shan's noticed her, and is now running toward her, ready to strike.

Acelegin; Something seems to have caught Kareena's eye, and she darts behind some rubble, and emerges with... a machete? Why is there a machete there!?

Red Daniel; Good question.

Acelegin turns to Red Daniel angrily.

Acelegin; Red, did you spend the last 45 minutes hiding weapons throughout the battlefield?

Red Daniel; What? No, of course not...

Acelegin; Red!

Red Daniel; Okay, maybe I hid a few weapons here and there...

Acelegin; Is that even allowed?

Red Daniel shrugs.

Acelegin; If I get in trouble with whoever's in charge here over this, I am absolutely throwing your sorry ass under the bus.

Red Daniel; Aren't we supposed to be providing commentary?

Acelegin; Shit! Right, I got distracted! Okay, it seems that Shan has lost her metal bat, and is now wielding a Chinese dao that must have been hidden somewhere. The battle has now become a full on sword fight.

Red Daniel; Whoa, there's two Kareena's now! How the hell did that happen?

Acelegin; Let me check the file real quick.

Acelegin glances over a file on the fighters.

Acelegin; It seems Kareena can create illusions.

Red Daniel; Huh. Neat.

Acelegin; It seems Kareena is using illusion copies of her self to throw off Shan. And it seems to be working quite well.

Red Daniel; Shan's begun retreating now, and is desperately looking around for a better weapon to arm herself with.

Acelegin; She's now acquired a hand grenade. She's pulled the pin out and tossed it in Kareena's direction, but Kareena was able to escape by disappearing into a nearby shadow.

Red Daniel; She's better at escaping explosions than you are.

Acelegin spritzes Red Daniel with his spray bottle again.

Red Daniel; Gah! Dick!

Acelegin; Kareena has reappeared, and she now has a shotgun. She fires at Shan, but misses. Shan drops her sword and scoops up a sub-machine gun.

Red Daniel; Both girls have taken cover and have begun firing at each other.

Acelegin; It seems Kareena has run out of ammunition first. Shan seems to have noticed this as well, and hs abandoned her cover to get a closer shot.

Red Daniel; Whoa, what's going on with Kareena now? She's... changing.

Acelegin; She seems to be shape-shifting into some kind of wolf bird hybrid. IT looks painful.

Red Daniel; It's kind of hot.

Acelegin; Red, she's underaged.

Red Daniel; By how much? I can wait a year or t-

Acelegin spritzes Red Daniel again.

Red Daniel; Damn it! Would you stop that!?

Acelegin; Kareena has completed her transformation. Shan has gotten close and fired her gun, hitting one of Kareena's shoulders. Kareena angrily bats the gun from her hand and roars at her.

Red Daniel; Shan is running away now, seemingly realizing how much trouble she's in.

Acelegin; Kareena has taken to the air, looming over Shan menacingly. Shan trips as she's running, and falls to the ground. She crawls forward a bit and grabs... something. I can't quite make it out from this angle.

Red Daniel; Kareena swoops down and grabs Shan, lifting her into the air. This isn't looking good for her. If she gets dropped from high enough, it's game over for her.

Acelegin; Or Kareena can just bite her face off.

Red Daniel; Yeah, that to.

Acelegin; Kareena's flying up a bit higher. Apparently she's going with the first option.

Red Daniel; But it seems Shan isn't letting that happen. She just shot Kareena in the midsection.

Acelegin; It seems that “something” Shan picked up was Kareena's handgun from the beginning of the fight.

Red Daniel; They've both fallen to the ground. Shan landed on one of her arms, seeming to break it.

Acelegin; Kareena is struggling to get back to her feet, but that bullet wound is making it hard.

Red Daniel; Shan has pulled herself together and fired off a few more shots. One of them misses, but the others hit Kareena in the thigh and one of her shoulders. Kareena's now on her knees, barely able to move.

Acelegin; Shan is out of ammo now, and has abandoned the gun. She gotten back to her feet, and is now slowly approaching Kareena. She picks up her lost metal bat from earlier, and swings it as hard as she can at Kareena's head, snapping her neck.

Red Daniel; Ouch! Impressive swing, though. Only one hand.

Acelegin; Yep. It seems our winner is Shan Cassidy. Congratulations! Now someone get her some ice for that arm of hers.

Red Daniel; And someone else get an incinerator for the dead body.

Acelegin spritzes Red Daniel again.

Red Daniel; Gah! What was that one for!?

Acelegin shrugs.

Acelegin; Felt like it.

Red Daniel; Fuck you.

Acelegin; Whatever. Show's over! Everyone go home!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Round 3: Jesus Archangard vs. Hella De Vos

Here we are, ladies, gentlemen, and theydies, in round three of this here tournament. I, Terrence Anathema, have usurped the usual Announcer for this one because reasons.

Our two contestants today are Jesus Archangard, Deadblogger extraordinnaire, and Fien "Hella" De Vos, and both of them would rather be anywhere but here, I'd imagine. I mean, it looks like Arkngard literally just woke up (and it really shows in his outfit; his black beret is sliding off his head and his turtleneck is all wrinkly and torn), and I'm sure we're all aware that Hella has been having a series of bad days since December 2016. The randomly-generated arena they'll be slugging it out in is a bus stop on a street corner. Fitting, I'd say.

"Right, I'd imagine we'd both rather be anywhere but here," says Archangard, breaking the silence of their battleground, "but it seems to me that neither of us can leave until we fight or whatever." He pulls out his several-years-obsolete smartphone and starts thumbing through his apps as his opponent stares incredulously at him.

"I really hope this is an hallucination," Hella responds, brandishing her knife with a flourish. "Only one way to find out, though. You fuckin' ready?"

With that, she starts forward at top speed, intent on ending this round before it can start. However, mere seconds before she can reach him, Arkngard touches his phone screen and blinks out of existence.

Is that even allowed?

Hella is, well, hella pissed off at this development.

"Of fucking course this was just a hallucination. Why the fuck would it have been anything else?" She turns away and begins walking back in the direction she came from.

After a few moments pass, Archangard reappears in the same spot he was in before vanishing.

"Sorry about that. I had no idea who you are, so I took a second to get acquainted with you by reading a few posts on your blog. Almost brought a few beers back with me, but I figured you wouldn't want any right now." He taps his phone screen a few times, causing a figure to begin to materialise at his side. "I did bring my dog, though. His name's Trevor, and I'm sure you and him will get along fine."

The swirling darkness next to him takes the form of a larger-than-average black dog, causing Hella to recoil in shock when Trevor starts to charge at her. However, she shoots a piercing glare at that swarthy canine and he stops in his tracks, then collapses after a few seconds.

"Oh yeah, you can stop animals' hearts, can't you?" Forgot about that," Arkngard sighs dejectedly. "I didn't have time to read everything you wrote, so I took a little detour to the opening post of this blog to read your character synopsis. No matter."

Trevor then goes up in smoke and stops existing, and Hella begins anew her assault on her pretentious opponent. As she reaches him for the second time, he, instead of disappearing, uses his phone powers to conjure something in his right hand. Looks like a book of some sort.

"Here, thought you might want this again," he says. "It belongs to Eefje, as I'm sure you're aware," and he twists his hand so that the book intercepts Hella's knife.

"Having fun, 'Murderer'?"

Looks to me like Hella's trembling with anger, glaring daggers into Archangard's indifferent eyes. I'm gonna go out on a limb, here, dear audience, and assume that Arkngard fucked up. Fucked up real bad.

"Well," Hella responds with a voice so calm you'd think she's not royally pissed off right now, "you fucked up. Fucked up real bad." She shoots her offhand forward with impressive speed, squarely touching Archangard's chest where his heart is. "As I'm sure you're aware, since you've read my bio, that I can stop your heart with a single touch," pulling her knife out of that devastated book as she speaks.

Even from up here I can tell Archangard's having a bad time right now. He's clearly in a fuck-tonne of pain, but he continues to run his fingers across his phone screen. Another cloud of smoke appears by his feet, and dissipates to reveal a case of beer.

"Thought you might like that after this is over," he says with a cracking voice. "However, as you might recall, I'd rather not be here, so I did this purposefully. You could say I'd rather not be here more than you'd rather not be here." He jabs at his phone some more.

"It's been fun, though, Fien. Tchüss."

And he again blinks out of existence. I really wish he wouldn't do that, but since Hella was seconds away from delivering a fatal blow to him, I'm just gonna declare Archangard the loser of this fight, and Fien "Hella" De Vos the winner.

Are you entertained, dear reader? 'Cause I know I am.

Round 2: Megan Jilees vs. Drake Miri!

It would seem our next contestants are... a weird-looking 12-year-old and some teenager in a vest. Alright, then.

...I mean, Megan Jilees, better known as the Cold Seeker, versus Drake Miri, better known as Drake Miri!

Oh, wait. Looking at one of those blogs I was given, the Cold Seeker is actually an adult, which I guess makes it fine for her to be in a fight to the death, despite still... looking and acting like a 12-year-old due to Fear magic...

Whatever, we had enough eldritch stuff and nonsense with age last round. Point is, this fight's Cold Seeker versus Drake Miri, and the spinny wheel tells us that it's taking place in a church. Good thing neither of these two are Archangel-aligned, because there are twin triangles all over, and that would be pretty biased.

"So wait, is that the person I'm fighting?" Drake asks, pointing at the Cold Seeker. "I've been in tournaments like this before, but I've never had to fight a kid. I mean... I was going to have to, but I didn't want to, and I lost before I actually had to do anything..."

He doesn't really seem to be paying much attention as the Cold Seeker runs up to him, her hand outstretched. No, wait, he's jumping back instinctively, although I assume he doesn't actually know that her touch is lethally cold. For posterity, yes, he did yelp like a puppy when he finally noticed her there.

"I don't know what's going on, but I think I need to get you if I want to see Brother again," the Cold Seeker says, staring up at Drake with those creepy blank eyes. "Please just stay still. I promise not to make it hurt too much."
"Who are you, anyways?" Drake asks, backing away and holding up his tonfas, crossed in a defensive position. "Some kind of Cold Boy servant?"
She sighs. "Yeah. But he wants to hurt me. To... kill me."

Drake lowers the tonfas, and the Cold Seeker stares at him. I think she's trying to decide whether or not to go for it.

She narrows her eyes and jumps at him. She's about to make contact, but he raises his tonfas right before she hits and pushes. She falls backwards.

"Just stay still!" she shouts. She seems angry now.

Drake and the Cold Seeker are starting to circle each other. I think Drake is stalling, but the Cold Seeker is looking him over, waiting for him to lower his tonfas.

Drake yawns and puts his hand to his mouth reflexively. In an instant, the Cold Seeker is jumping at him. He's not quick enough to stop her, but as soon as he feels her cold hands around his throat, he instinctively kicks her away. She flies backwards, sprawling onto the ground.

Drake doesn't seem too happy with himself about having just kicked a person he thinks is a 12-year-old in the chest, but that's fine, because she's actually like 45. More importantly, she seems to be down for the count, and we have a winner!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Round 1: Hera De'athra vs The Ace of Chaos!

Time for our first match which also means time to spin the wheel of shiny sparkly death settings!

And the wheel is spinning and has chosen... A graveyard... That... Seems a little tilted towards the candidate who is literally the horseman of Death, but hey it is not for us to judge the wisdom of a spinning wheel.

Both contestants appear in the graveyard. The Ace of Chaos smiles at Hera and speaks.

"I'm not one to harm a pretty girl if I can help it. The last beautiful woman to try and kill me ended up having my children."

Hera looks confused, "Did... Did you just suggest I'm going to have your child?"

"What! No! Not at all! I just meant..." he paused and formed a sword out of chaos magic, "Nevermind"

"You realize how creepy that was right?" Hera states as she raises her scythe and begins attempting to lower the temperature around them. A light fog starting to form from the sudden temperature drop.

"Yeah I realized it. I guess I'm not really used to trying to be charming and cool when the person I'm fighting is... What? 19? 20?" he states as chaos halos begin to float around him.

"21... What are you like 50?" she responds as she glances around her at the graves,

"Much older than that," he responds and launches one of the halos at her.

She hits it with her scythe and it despawns as ghosts start to rise out of the graves behind The Ace, "That actually makes it way worse,"

"Look can we just pretend that never happened. I'm actually usually really smooth about stuff like this," he states and then without turning around slashes his chaos made sword through a bunch of the ghosts who were sneaking up on him and launches a few more halos at Hera. Hera tosses icicles at the incoming Halos, but as the last halo is hit an energy blast launches past them and Hera barely manages to dodge out of the way, as she lands The Ace of Chaos has moved and swings his sword at her legs. She instinctively tries to dodge, but in her current position she only manages to trip herself and falls on the ground using her scythe to block a second slash from The Ace with a second created sword. The Ace summons more halos as he continues to attack her as she's on the ground. She barely fends off his attacks with her scythe and deflects the halos enough that they merely graze her as they embed into the soft earth around her. She's in a bad situation and she knows it. She whistles loudly and The Ace is distracted by the sound of approaching hooves and dives out of the way as Hera's horse comes rushing towards them. As he dodges away she grabs her horse and pulls herself off the ground and onto the horse as it runs past.

The Ace launches a few blasts after the horse, but the horse manages to dodge and turns around Hera raising her scythe as the horse starts barreling towards The Ace again. He readies to dodge, but the cold is getting to him now. His muscles are straining to move in the cold and he changes his mind. He banishes the two swords and starts to create something else. Hera reaches him and slashes the scythe down just as The Ace finishes creating his new weapon and strikes upwards. Hera's horse continues past trampling Ace into the ground. Ace groans, battered, but alive and as The horse stops Hera slumps down and slips off the horse onto the ground. The spear The Ace had created protruding from her chest.

"It really is a shame to kill such a young woman... Good thing these tournaments aren't canon," The Ace groans looking at the spot on his arm where Hera's last strike seems to have nicked him.

It seems The Ace has won and will be going on to the next phase!  

The Ace has won the fight

Another vacation from cryo-sleep! Another Tournament!

Greetings everyone! It's that time of year again! It is I The Announcer! Announcing once again a new tournament! That's right I've been thawed out to talk over people killing each other again!

This time our contestants are something altogether new!

We've had The Fears fighting a fictionalized version of someone... We've had the gods themselves who create our world fighting each other. We've had them do the same again, but with Fears backing them and now... We have the characters they've written finally fighting each other!

First! The Contestants!

Our first contestant is-

Drake Miri
A teen boy with messy hair wearing a simple t-shirt under a vest and simple jeans. 
He has no powers
He wields a knife and a pair of tonfa.

Drake is actually surprisingly skilled at fast efficient attacks with the knife, but often chooses to use the Tonfa which he has no skill with because he thinks they are cooler. He's most associated with the  Newborn or Slender Man technically?
He has appeared in the following blogs: Run Don't Walk In other Worlds

Next we have

Megan Jilees
A young looking girl with short white hair, pale skin, black eyes and wearing a blue glittery dress.
She has all the powers of a child of the cold. Most specifically she can freeze with a touch.
She uses no specific weapons
Generally she's almost indestructible to normal weaponry and so usually just tries to walk up to opponents and touch them until they freeze to death.

She's affiliated with The Cold Boy
She appeared in the following blogs: Cold and Lonely Days Da Dawghouse No Gods No Masters
The Unlikely World

After that we have 

Kaden Crowley, AKA Asher Lyall
He's a tall, thin, pale dude with medium-length dark hair. Wears a coat and a fox mask. Kind of looks like a Persona character mixed with Gerard Way, albeit purely by accident.
He uses a vague form of magic. For the sake of this tournament, let's say he can create illusions.
He uses a knife
He prefers to use misdirection rather than direct combat, and will dodge others' attacks rather than blocking them. Generally the sort of person who'd rather let the enemy tire themselves out than fight them straight-up. Basically a quick, sneaky trickster.
He's most closely associated with Jack of All (He's a former Mountebank)
He has appeared in the following blogs: the night shop (protagonist), Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (side character)

Then there is

Shan Cassidy
She's a gal with long black hair, a black jacket, and black combat boots. Kind of a Hot Topic sort.She has no powers unless granted them by the Unforgivable, who's able to summon barbed wire Grey-style. Probably won't be granted powers. She and the Unforgivable have kind of a rocky relationship, in that they hate each other.
Her weapon of choice is a metal baseball bat (never actually comes up in the story she's from, but her creator always envisioned her using one)
Her fighting style is quick and brutal. She doesn't really like to go on the defensive, and would rather just beat the crap out of whoever she's fighting and get out of there.
She's most affiliated with The Dying Man (host to the Unforgivable)
She has appeared in the blog: At the End of the World

Of course there's also

Wait... Am I reading this right? Apparently the next contestant is

The slender man (Slender Ran canon)
Ten-or-so feet tall, no face, business suit
He can conjure branches to fight; can turn people into proxies through invocations
His weapon of choice is a gun he stole from Phil Collins
He doesn't talk round corners, right between the eyes
The fear he is most associated with is, well... Himself, I guess?
He's shown up in the following blogs: Slender Ran, Clickbait, Life on the Slender Scene. 

Well it can't get weirder than th-

Jesus Archangard
He's Six-ish feet tall, black turtleneck, black suit pants, black beret
He can creates realities through the writing of blogs
He uses a switchblade, probably
He will probably intentionally lose and then make a self-deprecating joke about it
He's most associated with The Deep, probably
He wrote the three aforementioned blogs The Slender Man was mentioned as having been in, and others.  

So, A creator of a creator who wrote a blog where the main character was a certain version of the Slender Man... Okay... Well next up! 

Alicia Owly
A short girl, short messy blonde hair, olive skin tone, black t-shit and jeans, in her early twenties
She has no powers
She uses weighted gloves and a gun

She prefers punching opponents and taking them down quickly, gun is for emergencies, has some light martial arts training
She is most closely associated with EAT

She technically existed in the following blogs. Many of which don't currently exist. Owl sleeping in the clouds, Owl running through the clouds, Perfect stormclouds, Please don't leaf me


Fien De Vos Hella

A tall girl, short messy brown hair, corpse pale skin tone, Grey dirty hoodie, in her early twenties, Burn scar over her left eye that doesn't heal. When she uses her powers her eyes glow yellow.
If she touches you she can stop your heart for a short moment. She can do the same to small creatures without touching them. She also feels almost no pain. When she dies she is resurrected a day or two later.
She uses a long serrated knife
She likes sneaking up on someone and touching them, finishing them off with her knife while they're in pain
The Fear she is associated with is something called The Queen of Death
She has appeared in the following Blogs: Puppies & Joy, 2 birds 1 Stone,Please don't leaf me

After those two lovely ladies we have

The Ace of Chaos
He's just under 6 feet. Long brown hair. Has a long vertical scar where his right eye used to be, and his left eye glows and changes color. Usually wears a mask. Dressed in a mahogany colored longcoat.
He's a Master sorcerer and Mana user. Uses Chaos magic, which takes the form of a bright silver light that's incredibly powerful and can be used to form various constructs.
He generally fights with swords and saturn-like rings (which he call Chaos Halos) formed from his Chaos magic.
He uses energy swords and Chaos Halos at close range, and at long range he settles for firing energy blasts or throwing his Chaos Halos.
He is associated with The Vision
He's appeared in most of the Daniel-Verse, but mainly A New Fear Will Soon Be Born, Daniel & Friends, Blood On My Hands and Bring on the Fear

After him there's

Hera De'Athra
She's a 21 year old woman. Shoulder length, jet black hair. Wears dark robes.
As the daughter of the fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, she's inherited his supernatural powers. Main party tricks include being able to speak to the dead, summon ghosts, and ice magic.
She uses a scythe with a crooked pole and extra grips.
In combat she uses her scythe up close, focusing on tripping attacks, and uses ranged ice attacks. She'll also lower the surrounding temperature to slow down opponents.
She's associated with Siline Stenopylla.
She's from the blog: Horsemen

We still have more for you. Next there's 

Kai Ling
He's a 5'11, 17 year old male, muscular yet lean, black hair to his shoulders, reddish brown eyes, reddish-tan skin, black shirt, fingerless gloves, jeans, sneakers, 

His power is being unable to be claimed by a Fear
His weapon of choice is his hands, whatever he can grab, rifle is where he would excel at, however
He has some Martial Arts skills
Apparently he's associated with Uh...Valravn, or as he calls her Bird Bitch.

He shows up in: Sinful Wings https://myguiltistakingeverything.blogspot....hitty-blog.html


Kareena Nejem
She's 5'6", a bit thin, female, tan skin, amber eyes, white hair, black leather jacket with black feathers around the collar tied around her waist, black shirt, blue jeans,

She can use illusions, has night vision, can walk through shadows and painfully transform into a wolf-raven creature
Her weapon is a handgun and whatever she can grab
In a fight she'll do you New York Style: Will just beat you up like a thug
She's associated with Valravn, against her will
She also shows up in: Sinful Wings  

Huh more Valravn. They won last time...

Oh and we have a few more secret fighters who will show up in time!